I created a mind map of what themes I could use in my designs to give the frame backings more interest. The themes I initially liked were typography, architecture, art mediums and organics. But in the end I decided on typography and linked it in with another of my theme ideas for motivation. I thought that it would be a nice idea to use quotes to brighten someones mood or day within the frame backings (like in the John Lewis frame).
So then I started looking for quotes! I found lots of quotes but I tried to pick the most motivational ones or the shortest ones because some quotes wouldn't fit within a small frame. I like the idea of using a quote like "If you can dream it, you can do it." by Walt Disney as it builds confidence in you to think about living your dreams rather than just being a plain design with no message.
Additionally I looked at playing with humour in my designs so I thought of phrases that you would say while taking a picture. Moreover, I played with the idea of using cheesy pick up lines that would make people laugh, as if the photo frame was talking to you. I like this idea but I think it would narrow my target audience down to mostly women as most pick up lines are aimed at women and men don't take selfies as often as women stereotypically.
I decided that it would be best to use famous quotes instead of humour to brighten peoples days in a small way so I began researching ways I could present this.
Jessica Hische - Florence
I found Jessica Hische's work and fell in love. I had never really looked at her work, a part from the typeface that she had created for Moonrise Kingdom, and I was blown away by the elegance of it. I love the idea of having the script all tightly woven together so you have to lean in or squint to read the message in the cursive swirls. The background used is also quite relevant to the font so maybe I could incorporate these elements into my designs.
And I also like this work by Hische, which uses different typefaces and little illustrations to show embellish what could be a simple sentence. I especially like the contrast of colours in this piece and I would be drawn to look at it in a store if it was next to all grey frame backings.
I also looked at other miscellaneous artists for hand drawn typography like the ones shown above. I love the organic feel of hand drawn type, unlike Hische's typography pieces the imperfections make it unique and friendly rather than rigid and formal.