Friday 5 February 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 1 - Initial Sketches

I started to sketch out some rough ideas for the Yen bank notes. At first I was thinking of more traditional ideas that involved traditional Japanese art and culture. For example I thought about using famous Japanese wood block prints like the wave and maybe one of a geisha as well. To add to the quality I thought about embossing the kanji characters. I think that these would work well with a simple colour palette however I am unsure on how easy to reproduce they would be. I would have to add a lot of detail in order to make them hard to forge. 

The next idea that I had was to use the Japanese elements through landscapes and buildings. For example here I have used a cherry blossom tree for the element of earth and a koi fish for the element of water. I quite like this idea because the elements are something that are revered in Japanese culture so I feel that they would be relevant. Also I feel like there is more room to modernise the note design with this concept rather than the traditional prints which may come out similar to the current note designs. 

Next I thought about some different, more abstract ideas to relate to origami where I could emboss a sort of folded pattern onto the note designs to represent the traditional Japanese art. However I don't know how I would incorporate colours into this and what method of printing to use. Though the patterns created here would be effective I feel like it wouldn't be enough to fill a banknote and it would feel empty. 

My other idea was slightly "out there" I thought that I could use popular Japanese culture today by having anime characters on the bank notes. Or even show some of the many interesting and unique sub cultures that Japan holds today. While this idea would be interesting to explore I feel that it might not suit the sensible and quiet nature of the Japanese people. 

However I will try out most of these ideas digitally to see how they would work with colour and proper type.

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