Sunday 7 February 2016

OUGD505 - Study Task 1 - Appropriation and Subversion

Today we had a task about appropriation and subversion, about how some artists and designers use and abuse other people's artwork in order to present a completely different message.

I found this really interesting to see how people can put across certain political messages. Some of the artists in particular from the presentation caught my eye and gave me some ideas on how I could portray my campaign.

Barbara Kruger

‘We Go To The Museum’ by Miriam Elia (2014)

I based the study task itself on the issue that I have picked for studio brief 2 - Animal cruelty in farming and the general taboo about whether or not we as humans should eat meat. I created two designs, one text and image and the other just text. I feel like the just text poster is more effective as the left over red paper that I used as a background almost looks like knife wounds, consistent with some slaughtering methods. Also the mis-match of the type cut out from magazine portrays the message with a strong and powerful yet ransom note like feel.

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