Wednesday 22 April 2015

OUGD404 - Design Principles - End of Module Evaluation

Overall through this module I believe that I have attended all the sessions that I could so I have benefitted a lot from learning the basics of graphic design within the lessons. Although with some of the lessons I feel I could have concentrated more to get the most out of it and as a result my blog posts suffered a bit, I think. Even though I have done bookbinding before I learnt a lot more binds that I hadn't learnt before. I even feel confident in doing these binds on my own now. Also I feel like I have improved my screenprinting skills through the module because of the amount that I had to screenprint for my book.

Throughout the brief I think I was a bit overambitious and if I was to do this again I think I would spend more time designing something that actually showed the rules of book layout rather than showing them in a pre-written book. I feel that my finished publication lacks sophistication and is a bit messy, which was said in some of my feedback. I definitely think that I could have done more design wise to the book looking back at it now. But to say that it was such a big book I managed my time well, finishing it and binding it in the week before the deadline. I think that if I had more time I would created a better, neater book because I could have practiced more rather than concentrating on printing and binding it.

After completing this module I would say that bookbinding isn’t one of my strongpoints – I made some silly mistakes while creating the book that made it have a bit of an unkempt feel. Yet I am pleased with the result none the less. 

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