Tuesday 28 April 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 4 - Final Crit

For my final crit I received quite a lot of useful, and thankfully, positive feedback. My peers that were in my previous crit said that my new stock choices were much better and appealed to the audience a lot more. Also the fact that I stripped it back was favoured too, saying it feels more like someone would use it now. It was suggested that I could do different volumes, and create one for a guide on how to layout design boards or how to blog. I feel that this would be difficult to do in the time I have left as I have already started designing stickers and labels from my previous critique so I don't have time to make both. But I suppose if they are newly starting the course they won't have to do design boards for a while anyway. 

The one piece of constructive feedback that I found very helpful was that there is a possibility of running out of space as everyone works in different ways. But I thought that this could be tackled by printing extra pages, and I did add in extra notes and sketches pages at the back to compensate for this. Even if it was not used to write in it was said that it would be a good guide to follow a step by step process of a good process to start a brief. 

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