Saturday 21 March 2015

OUGD406 - Hungry Sandwich Club - North Leeds Cycling Trail

On Friday we had a visit from the Hungry Sandwich Club, a duo of two students who attended our course last year. They showed us how they have succeeded from graduating to now and it was really inspiring. They created a niche within Leeds doing animated graphics in a unique style - personally I love their style as the little characters they create are very likeable and look really friendly.
After the talk we were given a brief within our groups for studio brief 3 to create a trail map for the Leeds Indie Food Festival. The trail is the North Leeds Cycling Trail and includes multiple independent restaurants and cafes along the way. We had a chance to have our design within the catalogue for the Leeds Indie Festival so it was a really exciting task to do.

As a group initially we struggled to come up with ideas that we all liked. But they showed us some methods to come up with some ideas really quickly. One was crazy eights where you fold a paper into eight parts and in 5 minutes you have to sketch 8 design ideas. I really liked this as we all came up with some really crazy and stupid ideas but we did find one that we liked which was the idea of including a trail in the frame of the bike. 

From doing crazy eights we got quite a few good ideas, like doing the trail on a blackboard that would be within a restaurant setting. But we all decided on doing the bike as it is a cycling trail after all. 


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