Friday 13 March 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 3 - Exhibition Environment Design Development

When visiting the exhibition space we didn't like how bare the walls were and thought that they needed some sort of interest. After coming up with the concept of 45 we thought that we could use lines at an angle of 45 degrees to decorate the walls and draw the viewers eye across the space to our work.

We experimented with different positioning of the lines and were inspired by the British independent film festival to do decals of our logo either on the walls or across the door. We also played around with the placement of the pieces themselves. We didn't want it to be a standard exhibition where you just glance at the pieces for a couple of seconds and then move on to the next one. So we thought that we could align the posters along the angled lines in sets of 4 and 5, making the viewer have to really look at the work. However we are not sure whether this will make peoples necks hurt by the end of the exhibition from having to tilt their heads in order to see the artwork.

I created some mock-ups of some of our thumbnail sketches.

I really like the idea of filling this white space where you walk into the exhibition space itself. This would mean as soon as you walk up the stairs you will see our logo and link it to the exhibition immediately. We also thought of the idea of having some sort of interactive space here too - perhaps letting people leave feedback for the artwork or the overall exhibition. Megan came up with the idea of filling the frame of the logo with post it notes where people could write their opinions and fill the white walls with colour.

Along with the vinyl on the walls we also thought that we could fill the empty space of the floor with boxes to display more work and have the lines interact around this. 

In addition to the box idea we thought of hanging large empty black frames from the ceiling once again to hang work from. We liked this idea a lot more than the box idea and decided that the boxes might not be that appropriate. Where as we could have these square frames hanging at opposite 45 degree angles throughout the space. This would create a really nice effect when looking from the end of the exhibition hall as you would see the frames overlap and intersect creating more abstract lines. 

After receiving some feedback on this we found out that we would not be able to hang anything from the ceilings. So instead we thought that we could have the frames free standing on the floor if they were a bit thicker. Also we tried a mock up of the work hung in the space not on 45 degrees as we decided that it might make people have neck ache!

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