Monday 16 March 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 3 - Interim Critique

Group One – Formative Feedback.

Conceptual Feedback -
Forty five – amalgamation of level 4 and 5 Leeds College of Art rather than just book covers. The number 45 comes across as a quantity, which would/could be interpreted as the amount of exhibitors. 45 degrees interpretation could work better although, hanging/displaying work at 45 degrees would be problematic.

Tangibles Feedback -
Not sure if a website is needed, concentrate on print collateral, which would promote and inform the exhibition. Aim for the concept to be clearly reflected within the physical aspects of the design treatment, vinyls, mdf frames etc. The idea to include an interactive aspect to the exhibition is great and could be built upon.

Ensure you consider the following tangible aspects of your design treatment, these design decisions should where possible be informed by your concept and understanding of the restrictions associated with appropriate production methods:

  • Stock 
  • Type 
  • Grids 
  • Scale 
  • Format 
  • Colour 

From this feedback we decided on naming our brand Fortyfive degrees rather than just fortyfive to make everything much clearer for people approaching the exhibition knowing nothing about it. We also decided against using a website and that we should probably use social media instead to communicate all the information about our exhibition. But other than this the feedback was very promising. 

We changed our logo to adapt to the fortyfive degrees concept by just adding a degrees sign so it didn't alter the designs that badly.

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