Thursday 4 December 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 1 - Development - Let's take a selfie

Original calligraphy sketches

I tried to play on the pop culture of the time with this piece as when thinking about photographs now everyone thinks of ‘selfies’ rather than capturing a memory. So I thought that I would play with the idea of the selfie. Straight away I knew that the frame had to include a mobile phone, as this is the device that people take selfies with most. I tried with black and red as a combination first but I don’t like it, it’s not bold enough and it feels slapped together without thought. 

So I went further into what selfies are and who takes them. And it is mostly girls who take selfies so I chose a bright fuchsia pink to contrast against the black and it looks so much better for it. I then thought I should stick with the phone theme and put my dimensions for the frame in with a save image button. Finally, I didn’t think it needed much more development a part from to stand out from the background. So I added a dark navy to contrast with the bright pink and whites so you could see the outline of the phone from a distance.

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