Thursday 11 December 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 2 - Interim Crit

In my interim critique I went in with lots of ideas and I wasn't really sure how to go about doing any of them. My favourite from my mind map was the idea of doing about tea. I thought that I could document people's favourite mugs, because most tea or coffee drinkers have one, including myself.

But receiving feedback the idea of mugs became less appropriate and I got lots of feedback for the idea of doing about rituals of tea. Also people told me stories of tea and comedy sketches which was really nice to hear about as it is clear that people form an emotional connection with tea. It was funny how people have a preference on both tea brands and mugs, Danny said that he could never own a dark mug as you can't see the dirt.

This gave me ideas for what to do for the content -
- 20 facts = Facts about health benefits of tea
- 20 opinions = How people like to take their tea
- 20 words = Words describing how people take their tea or the taste etc.
- 20 photographs = Photos or maybe even a video of tea brewing
- 20 statistics = Statistics about tea drinking in the UK (maybe compare this to other parts of the world)

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