Wednesday 31 December 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 2 - Opinions

I asked my fellow Graphic Design students to say what their favourite tea was and how they took it and I was surprised to see how little people drink english tea. Green tea seems to have become very popular over the past few years, probably due to its metabolism boosting health benefits. 

But everyone has their own opinions on how to make tea right. Some people adopt the traditional method when using a teapot to put the milk in first before the hot water.
I found a video from Whittard's about how to make the 'perfect' cup of tea.

I also found some really nice quotes from various authors and famous people about tea:

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
― C.S. Lewis

“Honestly, if you're given the choice between Armageddon or tea, you don't say 'What kind of tea?'”
― Neil Gaiman 

"Where there's tea there's hope."
- Arthur Wing Pinero

"Make tea, not war." 
- Monty Python

Final 20 opinions on how to take tea:

1. Strong English tea with milk
2. English tea with milk and two sugars
3. English tea with soya milk and sweeteners
4. black strong earl grey
5. strong English tea with milk
6. weak English tea with milk
7. Sencha tea with two sugars
8. green tea with honey
9. Yorkshire tea with milk
10. strong green tea
11. mint tea
12. green tea honey blend
13. masala chai
14. Black earl grey
15. green tea with lemon
16. ginger tea
17. English tea with soya milk
18. English tea with one sugar and milk
19. earl grey with milk
20. Green & fruit tea blend
21. lemon & honey tea
22. Chai tea with milk

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