Monday 1 December 2014

OUGD405 - Study Task 1 - Concept Workshop

Enterprise Insurance Company plc

Our study task was to create a concept for a company that sponsors Leeds United. We started by researching the company itself. We mainly tried to figure out what the personality of the company was and who its target audience was.  

We found that Enterprise insurance was a very corporate company who mainly dealt with large businesses, agents and brokers therefore their clientele will be very professional so we wanted to get this across within our new concept for the company.

We decided that from looking at the webpage the company lacked character and an identity. It felt very bland and masculine so we wanted to take their company to a new level by giving it a unisex feel as well as updating the overall so it looks fresh and modern. 

"Professional trust"
We wanted to create a real identity for the company that was a face that it's clients would recognise and therefore put trust in. We still wanted to aim the company at professional corporations, we just wanted to add personality to the company.

Initial sketches of some logo ideas:

After planning out some logo ideas we split the group up to get on with different tasks. We also decided on a greyscale colour scheme rather than the navy blue to make it appeal to both men and women alike. I worked on some new website designs while others got on with digitising our logo ideas. 

The final logo is below. It came about as sort of a happy accident as we initially we were playing with negative space and the E and the I joined together to created 2 boxes. We then tried this with a lowercase i and it immediately worked as we thought that it made a padlock sort of shape which fit in with the insurance company. 
I wanted to make the website more simple to navigate without any distractions so I removed the sliding images that were on the site before and replaced it with one image and text with one simple navigation bar at the top and a sub navigation bar at the side on other pages.

Overall as a team I think we worked really well and produced lots of work within the time scale given. There was lots of good discussion and throwing ideas back and forth during planning which I think made us successful in the end to create a coherent presentation and win against the boys team.

You can have a gander at our presentation here.

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