Thursday 4 December 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 1 - Development - Great art picks up where nature ends

I started off with a very natural palette, of green, white and blue to reflect nature. I had to alter the original sketch as I resized some of the text as the bottom words were too large compared to all the other sizes of the type. Also originally I was only going to have the vines on "picks up" however I had to draw it in on "nature ends" as well to tie the two font styles together a bit more.

I then experimented with using different colours and textures to give the background a bit more interest than being a flat colour. This paper texture that I picked out doesn't really suit the design very well as the colours are too similar to those used within the type so the quote blended into the background rather than popping out. So I reverted back to the blue background, and decided to add another pop of colour within the leaves of the vines as the lines are quite fine so it makes them stand out more from a far.

So once again I went back to the blue background and tried to focus on improving the individual elements of the design to make it work better as a whole. I added dotted lines to separate the different styles of type and also added in the dimensions of the frame. I started with a black dotted line and dimensions but I felt like this stood out too much from the design as I haven't used any blacks in the design so far.

After consulting feedback from some of my peers they said that the blue clashed with the emerald green colour and that a more natural paper texture would work better. So I found this light brown paper texture and I think that it helps the text stand out a lot more than before. I also changed the dotted line to the emerald green colour and added a black shadow to tie it together more. With the emerald green dotted lines only it didn't stand out enough and they couldn't be seen from a distance.

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