Saturday 16 April 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 1 - Screen Printing

Producing my bank notes by screen printing was an incredibly fun process for me. I started off by doing fairly normal designs and then moved on to try and marble the ink on some of them with neon or brighter colours. 

When it came to the silver layer of the design I initially struggled with it because the ink was so thin. It would print like glitter rather than a solid silver colour. So on some of the designs the metallic element isn't as bold as I would have liked it to be. Also I had trouble with the gloss as the medium was really tacky and dried really quickly in the screen. So on some of the designs it came out slightly fragmented.

I really like the effects created on the dotted paper from GF smith, it added an extra layer of texture to the designs. If I was to do the notes again I think I would have done them mostly on this paper. 

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