Sunday 17 April 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 - Positive Vegan Campaigns

After looking at my survey results and results from my critique and talk with my tutor I decided that the best course of action would be to create a campaign against animal cruelty in farming that was a positive one. One that doesn't include horrific imagery or shames people for eating meat. So I tried to look for similar campaigns that do promote veganism without being too negative. 

I found these posters by the Vegan Society that promotes vegan products without actually saying you have to cut out anything. The concept of "You don't have to be vegan to..." is really effective in making people feel better about themselves and hopefully promotes supporting products that don't support animal cruelty. 

I also found this set of posters which are quite folksy and quirky. The messages are really simple and have a bit of humour behind them. It takes a very serious situation and makes it quite simple. It suggests to eat more veg but doesn't shame anyone for eating meat. Only in small print at the bottom does it mention what it is really about. The naive typography and the pastel colours all give a friendly tone of voice which draws in the viewer and makes it an approachable piece of design. 

One campaign that caught my eye in particular was the Veganuary campaign where it asks people to take up being Vegan for just one month to challenge themselves. It doesn't seem to force any views onto people it only suggests some reasons why, two of which are just for the person themselves. The fact that being Vegan not only helps animals but your own health and the environment around you is definitely something that I could play on within my own campaign. 

One of the most interesting things about Veganuary is how many people continue to be vegan after its over. People must think that if they can do it for a month they can do it for longer. Or perhaps they feel the benefits of the change in diet to their health. Either way it seems to be an effective method of stopping some animal cruelty.

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