Thursday 21 April 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 1 - Final Designs

For my final designs I struggled to chose between two sets of notes. One where I had experimented with marbling and mixing the inks and the other where the colour was a bit more flat making the designs clearer. 

In the end I chose the more unique design as I feel like the marbled colours add more interest to the bank note as well as making them hard to reproduce if someone wanted to forge them. I found out after printing them that the characters that I printed in the gloss ink are in the wrong order. I suppose this is the difficulty when doing something in a different language, I couldn't easily noticed that the characters were in the wrong places. But at the same time it isn't that noticeable because of this. Yet it has taught me to triple check the designs and positives before going to expose a screen. 

Additionally I have made all the bank note the same size, but in reality they would probably be different sizes in order for people to easily differentiate them from each other just by the size of the note alone. 

These bank notes are based on three of the five Japanese elements: Void (Kū) represented by the temple as it is a spiritual energy within the body, Water (Sui) represented by the koi fish to show the fluid and flowing elements of the world and Earth (Chi) represented by the cherry blossom (Sakura) showing the solid state of nature through a beautiful object. 


Overall I have really enjoyed experimenting with this particular studio brief. I feel like I have learned about interesting production methods through screen printing as well as improving my printing techniques in general. I am now very confident at setting up my own screen, cleaning, coating and exposing it without any assistance. The final outcome that I have created I feel is very relevant to Japanese culture while maintaining a modern and contemporary style. I wanted to emphasise that the future of banknotes will remain a physical currency so I think that having a beautiful looking bank note is a step towards this. 

I also feel that my time management on this project has been good as I managed to get everything prepared and printed way before the deadline, printing the actual notes themselves in one day. This meant that I had a bit more time to focus on the second studio brief of this module and research it further. 

If I had more time to do this brief I would probably do the backs of the notes as well as the front. However I feel like even as a one sided piece they are successful. 

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