Wednesday 6 April 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 - Peta Campaigns

After getting feedback from a survey that I sent out I found that a lot of people don't want to look at animal cruelty in farming or know any more about it for fears that it will put them off meat. Also in the extra comments I found that often people have a negative view towards vegetarians and/or vegans because they feel that they "preach" to others. Being a vegetarian for 9 years has made me very aware of this and as a result I don't often talk about my dietary preferences unless absolutely necessary to avoid people seeing me this way.

So I decided to have a look at the most popular voice for vegans which is PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) and see if this does indeed "preach" to meat eaters that their way of life is wrong in their eyes.

I found that a lot of their campaigns are quite sexualised which I find odd. It seems that they have gone from saying you can't treat animals as objects to objectifying women.

Alongside some advertisements which show brutal or gory imagery in the hopes of putting people off like the fur campaign below. 

I even found an article online named "13 Most Offensive PETA Advertisements" (found here: once again showing the things that I have found through just searching google. 

This overtly sexualised add apparently angered the catholic church and I'm not surprised why. 

They did a campaign with women in bikinis in a tank to protest against KFC. Once again using women barely clothed to represent animals. 

From finding all these campaigns there are barely any that are positive. There are some simpler posters with celebrity endorsements like below but other than that Peta comes across as a highly negative company. For this project I think that I will take the negativity away from veganism and vegetarianism. 

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