Tuesday 26 April 2016

OUGD505 - Study Task 3 - Disobedient Objects North


Understanding the needs of specific layouts for specific jobs is key to your development and practice. There are many times as a designer that you will have to consider differing formats for layout due to clients’ needs and also the need of information.

This one week task is a practical exercise that will highlight layout skills and understanding of application of text, point sizes, columns, margins, gutters, image, page size, bleed, scale, format, pagination, fluidity, audience and composition.

You will be given dummy type / text / images to work with during this task that is studio based. You will be given instructions per layout requirements and also a context to help you decide how information should be positioned and organised.

You will be expected to add your own design flourishes upon these designs, where appropriate.

You will share visual representations of your work with a partner / small group.

Layout 1 – Minimal Text / image: A5 Flyer

Layout 2 - Text Heavy / Imagery: Concertina spread (10x A5 pages)

Extended Practice:

As soon as you have completed your flyers and brochures, you are expected to extend the range of design across platforms. Suggestions are: Poster / mail shot / tickets and appropriate mediums.


I started off by experimenting with the black and white flyer. To add some extra interest I halftoned the imagery. For the text I wanted to go for a police tape kind of style. I feel like this suits the things in the exhibition because they are all about guerilla advertising and protesting. 

Adding a frame to the image rather than the full bleed image works a lot better in showing the tape like title in my opinion. Also it meant that I had some room down the sides to add the dates of the exhibition. 
I created two variations with different images but the same information. I feel like this serif type is really effective because it reminds me almost of a stencil typeface due to the dramatic difference in line weights. 

At first I wanted the leaflet to be really stylised so I changed the colours of the imagery to be a red with black. I feel like this makes the exhibition seem a lot more controversial and edgy. However when re-reading this part of the brief I found that the images had to be full colour so it takes away from my idea of a limited colour scheme. 

I used a ripped paper effect to add to the add lib style of the exhibition. I really like the texture that this creates, separating the imagery and text with a bit more interest than just white space. At first I struggled with arranging the text and the imagery but I found using more full bleed images helped fill up the empty spaces and found room for an extra map on the back of the leaflet. 

For the extended practice I produced a ticket to the exhibition follow the same sort of guerilla theme as the flyer and leaflet. I produced it in black and white to save costs on printing because the exhibition was free admission so spending more on the tickets would be redundant. 

Overall I'm not sure what I thought about this task. At first I found it enjoyable because I was able to do whatever I wished with the content provided. However it was hard to produce without guidance of what the client wanted or who the target audience was. It has taught me that learning as much as you can about the target market and clients aims is really beneficial to the design outcome. 

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