Tuesday 19 April 2016

OUGD505 - Study Task 2 - Insects

We were tasked with coming up with a solution to make insects more commercially viable and more popular rather than something that is "gross". We used a method of exploring the problem through using sticky notes. We wrote down all of the ideas that came to our heads whether they seemed far fetched or fairly normal. We started by writing down the problems of why insects aren't popular. 

Most of the problems seemed to be either with the appearance of the insects or people's perceptions of them. People seem squeamish about having the insects whole and seeing their faces. 

Most of the solutions that we came up with involved making the insects into something where they weren't recognisable or changing them into something tasty. 

In the end we decided on the problem: that bugs look gross and society struggles to accept it. So our solution was to promote it to the younger audience so they could grow up eating insects and therefore become used to them and not find them weird to look at anymore. To do this we thought we could change the bugs into snacks for kids, i.e. cereal bars where they aren't really recognisable. 

Overall I really liked this method of exploring a topic because it means that you don't have to be precious about the answers that you come up with. So I found that I got a lot more out of this method than I would have done if I had created a mind map. Also having other people's minds on the same subject widened the scope of the answers that we got. 

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