Saturday 29 November 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 1 - Photoshop Experiments - Creativity takes courage

I started with a crumpled paper texture which I taken a picture of and then applied my hand drawn type with embellishments from illustrator onto the top. I duplicated it and inverted the colours to be white to add a shadow that contrasted from the yellow of the background. I also used the brush tool and my pen and tablet to add some accented dashes to some of the flourishes of the type to make it pop more.

I then played around with colours and layer styles of the texture in the background.

This was made using Linear Dodge on a blue background

Making the background monotone

I tried a blue shadow and I think that it's really effective.
 Next I wanted to try and replicate Jessica Hische's piece "You left me alone in the dark" so I found some images of stars and overlaid my type over it. For the image below I used overlay when the text was white, I think that this is quite effective because you don't lose anything from the beautiful image behind but you can still read the quote clearly. 

I also tried this overlaying technique on a darker sky, but I think that it is too subtle and couldn't be read from a distance, which is my aim. 

I then went back to basics and tried a different textured background, editing the colours from a brown to this emerald green colour with the hue and saturation image adjustment tool. I really like this colour because it jumps out at the page at you and invites you in. I think I will maybe try playing around a bit more with the quote to make it really stand out.

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