Thursday 19 May 2016

OUGD505 - End of Module Evaluation

As a whole I have really enjoyed this module. In studio brief 1 I enjoyed experimenting with my printing practice through screen printing for the bank notes as well as researching into a culture that i am interested in. I feel like the notes that I created were successful in portraying the future of the Japanese Yen. It definitely made me explore a style of graphic design that I haven't really explored before - one which is a bit more minimalist. 

In studio brief 2 I was also working on something that I am very passionate about. It goes to show the difference for designing for a cause that you support rather than something random. Additionally because towards the end of this module it was the only brief that I was working on I felt a lot more focused than with other modules which meant that I produced a lot more than I would have if I had briefs running either side of it. The outcomes that I created were of a better quality because of this too because I would go back and change little bits at a time until I was fully happy with it. Creating packaging again has re-inspired me to carry on with packaging as one of my main practices. I feel like the packaging element was the strongest part of this module. 

Although because I already had a fair amount of knowledge on my chosen topic I feel like I didn't spend enough time researching it as maybe I should have done. Perhaps my designs would have been a lot more informed if I had done a little bit more research. 

I feel like this brief has set me up well for my practice next year as curating my own briefs has given me a good focus which I hope to carry on into next year. Also both briefs of this module have been doing things that I do want to do more of in third year as part of my extended practice. 

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