Monday 16 May 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 - Distribution of Products

Having completed the book and the food range I am now thinking about how they should be distributed and where. Because the book is a simple soft cover with a saddle stitch it won't be hard to reproduce and could be cheaply distributed with ease. So maybe the book could be in bookstores such as Waterstone's or WH Smith. But they could also be distributed to vegan or vegetarian cafes for the customers to read to their children while they eat the food there. 

The food range on the other hand I feel is quite niche because its aimed at children and parents who are vegetarian or vegan. Although I suppose that it doesn't necessarily have to be bought by vegetarians or vegans as they can be eaten by everyone. But I think that they would only be sold in higher class food supermarkets and health food shops like Booths, Waitrose or Holland & Barrett. 

To promote both products I would probably put adverts in health food magazines or vegan magazines. Hopefully they would get the endorsement of various vegan charities such as Peta for more exposure. I am not sure whether tv advertisements would be relevant as it is such a niche type of product. 

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