Wednesday 18 May 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 - Final Food Range

Overall I am really happy with how this packaging came out, I feel like it looks very professional. I think that it fits the target market of 5-10 year olds while also appealing to parents. From my final development designs I added puzzles and trivia to the back of the packaging so that children have something to do while eating their meals. Also I added a QR code which when scanned links you directly to a digital copy of the book "Perry's Adventure" on issuu.

If I had more time I think that I would have developed the snacks a bit further but I am glad that I put all my effort into this as I feel like it would persuade people that they can eat a vegan diet while still growing up strong and healthy.  A supporting adult food range might be a good place to spread the range as I feel that they are in more demand. 

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