Monday 16 May 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 - Illustration Development

After the critique I changed the colours of the illustrations to go from a blue hue to the warmer colour scheme that I planned to use initially. This way it represents the mood of the characters in the book as well as not being overly feminine. As well as this I decided that the illustrations would be much more effective spread across a double spread rather than fragmenting them into one page each. This also leaves more room for extra details within the illustrations. 

I also developed the illustrations further from my storyboard, trying to adapt the colours into a sort of gradient as the story progress. I did this by lightening off the blues and adding elements of yellows to the designs. 

When I finished all of the illustrations I asked for some more feedback and it was mentioned that while the characters are really geometric some of the elements of the background were a bit wiggly. Initially I thought this was good because the detail lacked here made you focus more on what the characters are doing. However I did change the shrubbery and trees to be a bit more defined and I find it fits the style of the illustration a lot better than the previous attempts.

One of the main challenges that I came across once I had completed all of the illustrations was where to place the text. I hadn't really left a specific area of the page on any of my illustrations where it was blank enough for the text to go. So I ended up having to alternate between the left and right page as well as the top and the bottom of the page too. However I feel that this works as the children will be looking all around the pages rather than focusing on one spot to read it the text.

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