Sunday 15 May 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 - Food Range Development

I had lots of different ideas for food ranges so I had to narrow them down a little. I wanted to make something that was healthy and nutritious after reading about children who live on a vegan/vegetarian diet. I think that soya yoghurts might be too niche and juices or smoothies are quite saturated in the market these days. So the best thing I can make in my opinion are the healthy snacks for lunch boxes or the ready meals to help parents effortlessly give their children lots of nourishment within one meal.

I started by designing some basic packaging for ready meals. I really liked the idea of having a squiggly window where you can see the food inside. Having something a bit out of the ordinary like this would attract more attention. Also I had to think of meals that might be child friendly as well as being vegetarian or vegan. The first meal that I thought of was Moussaka because it contains lentils for protein and you can add spinach for iron and it's a really tasty dish. 

Also a hearty chilli, holding back on the spice, contains lots of protein from mixed beans and wheat berries. I have added a range for each of my characters and hopefully as the brand would expand so would their range and new characters would be introduced. I also wanted to add to the approachable-ness of the packaging so I made the the text into a speech bubble as if the characters were talking to the children. I feel like the mix of these interesting shapes makes the over all look more pleasing. 

As I progressed with the designs I decided that instead of using a rectangular tray for the packaging pots would be a lot more effective. I find when I have a pot from a ready meal I tend to keep it and reuse it a lot more than if I had a rectangular one. This fits in with the vegan ethos of being environmentally friendly. I might put some ideas on how to re use the pot on the underside of the printed sleeve (using it as a plant pot, pencil pot etc). 

I also started working on some ideas for snacks that children could take in their lunch boxes as an alternative to unhealthy crisps or chocolate. However I am not as keen on these designs as I was with the packaging. I feel that to live a healthy lifestyle fresh fruits and vegetables would be much better snacks than anything dried or processed. 

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