Thursday 5 November 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 3 - Cover Development

I wanted to find a font that represented the freedom and the spirit of the festival to use as my title case within the publication. At first I was going to use a very simple sans serif font to appeal to a younger target audience by making the publication look contemporary. However I feel this would not show the character of a festival so I decided to find something more suitable to the context. 

I started by experimenting with a couple of font choices that I felt looked "festival like". Big, bold and powerful representing the big personalities festivals have. However with the first font choice it reminds me of a varsity sort of font and this doesn't really relate to festival type at all. And with the other type it almost looks like a western style font. 

I found this font called "Industry" which reminded me of the 3D type that was used at the festival. Also gives a quality to the type that makes it more dynamic and look like it is jumping out of the page. I played around with arcs and using the curves of a circle to be more visually pleasing and came up with this simple composition which I think works very well. The hierarchy of the type means that the main focus is on the festival, emphasising the fun and experience of the festival and the type comes after it, which represents my experience of the festival.

I played around with creating more depth by using the drop shadow version of the font to further enhance the emphasis on the festival. I also thought to personalise it a bit more that I would add the year of the festival as a kind of point of reference to look back on in the future further supporting my concept of using it like a photo album or travel journal. 

I finished off the design by adding highlights to the other text so that they didn't fall too much into the background of the image. 

Once I decided what I wanted to do for my title I experimented on how I could make it really stand out from the flat cover. I have never tried foiling before and it was something that I really wanted to experiment with so I thought that this project would be suitable to do so. I felt that the foiling would turn the cover from average to looking luxurious.

I tried this out with holographic, white gloss and turquoise foil on normal printer paper. The results were a bit disappointing, I got my hopes up for a really nice glossy finish but due to the college resources the glue didn't bind to the toner properly leaving a fragmented finish. While this may have been suitable for a more rustic book/finish I wanted my book to look sleek and modern so I feel like foiling would spoil this. Perhaps I will try screen printing on a nicer stock instead to bring that quality to the cover of the book. 

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