Wednesday 11 November 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 3 - Final Crit

In my final critique I hadn't finished the book yet but I brought my mock up with me as well as the printed pages for my final. My peers said that they liked the Japanese stab binding because it gave the book an added tactile-ness. One thing that was bugging me with my print out was that some of the images where I have added the filter to make the images look like they were taken with a 3mm camera were a bit unclear. I asked the others if they thought so too and they agreed but they said that they liked the effect over all. 

They also commented that the tracing paper gives the book a really nice effect, they said they liked the way that the image and letterforms could be combined and separated with it. Although it does mean that for some of the letter forms you have to line up the tracing paper and the photographs. It was suggested to me to look at to look at more experimental Japanese binds. However I feel like this would take away from the minimalism of the book so far. Also because I had handed round my printed copy that wasn't bound yet I got a bit of feedback on the stock choice. They preferred the stock used on my mock up - it was thinner so that the book could be flicked through. This thicker stock choice would make turning pages difficult - perhaps I could trim the tracing paper inlays down so they can be looked at separately. Or alternatively print on a thinner stock.

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