Saturday 14 November 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 3 - Final Book & Evaluation

During the production of my final book everything seemed to go wrong. With my other mock ups I trimmed each page individually and by hand within the crop marks before I bound them. However with the final I tried to use the guillotine so that I could crop all of the pages at once. This didn't work out at all and ended up misaligning the tracing paper pages with the photos so they no longer lined up. This was incredibly annoying as it meant I had to line up and trim each set of photos and letters down in pairs. This was very time consuming and meant that my final book was a tiny bit smaller than I expected. Also with the final binding of the book I did more stitches because my mock up stitches came a bit loose. Also due to my struggle last time I tied the stitch on the outside and it ended up being a lot tighter which I am happy about. Overall I am really pleased with the final book despite all the difficulties I had while trimming and binding it. 

Generally through out this brief I found book layout quite difficult as I found it hard to develop designs further without coming up with new layouts. However I was overall happy with the results - I like the minimal approach I chose, it pushes me away from my usual style but I think this is good for me. I did struggle with creating the final product due to the misalignment of the tracing paper and the images after I cropped them all in one stack instead of individually. I found the binding method and the actual book binding itself fun to do as I enjoyed the hands on approach - perhaps I can experiment with this to further push my practice. I struggled with blogging in this brief as I was spending a lot of my time doing experiments or trying to get on with the other modules. I used this studio brief to experiment with methods that I have not used before such as  the binding method - I had never attempted a Japanese Stab bind and now I am very confident doing one. I wanted to experiment with foiling too and I managed to test lots of different foils even though the results were rather disappointing it is something that I might pursue in future projects.
I also further pursued my interest in screen printing which I enjoyed a lot. it was good to give myself more of a challenge by doing the cover really small so I had to work on my placement and alignment skills of screen printing. 

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