Thursday 5 November 2015

OUGD504 - Dealing with Feedback Study Task

In this session we have been shown the importance of feedback and more importantly acting upon that feedback. It has helped me recognise how much feedback you receive without documenting it properly - for example in general conversations between friends. Below are some examples of summative feedback from level 4
  • You naturally have a very personal and experimental approach to practical briefs, which you should aim to develop further throughout your studies."
  • I would recommend familiarising yourself further, through research and exploration with emerging contemporary Graphic Design practices.
  • I would also encourage you to further explore a wider range of production methods and media to really push your own practice. 
  • You should aim within PPP to begin to identify practitioners and studios, which fit with your own practice and aspirations. Strong developmental work and documentation. 
  • I think removing yourself from the process and possibly reflecting through a different critical lens would have made this more thorough and analytical.
  • Ensure you further push your practice within level 05. 

There is a recurring theme of being able to look into practitioners and practices to be able to push my own unique practice further. I do feel like I have done this through out the PPP modules. However I could explore this more this year and try to contact some of these practitioners in order to perhaps get a placement. 

Additionally, a common occurrence is developing a wider range of production methods to further enforce my own practice and take it further. This is something that I didn't really do that well in level 4 but I plan to do in this level. I am already experimenting with foiling which I had never tried before and I plan to work with some embossing and laser cutting to explore different, more professional, finishes. 

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