Monday 9 November 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 3 - Further Development

This was my first full mock up of the book with my chosen binding method. I also printed it with the tracing paper sections too to see if they would line up properly. The end result was surprisingly effective. After moving over the gutter from the last mock up I thought that there would be problems with the layout that I would need to adjust. However the images seem to be perfectly central so I am pleased with the layout. I also changed the title to be a lot smaller, while also shifting it to the right. I much prefer this size.

After printing this out and binding it, it seems like the finished product. I am pleased with the minimal layout I had chosen and I feel that it works really well for the context of my book. I do feel like it is more personal as well by highlighting the shapes of the letterforms instead of just having them on the other page. I think that this will be my final layout, all I need to do now is get feedback and see if my peers agree. 

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