Saturday 21 November 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 4 - Website Design Research

I searched for some musician's websites that were similar in genre to Seasick Steve and who also had a unique element to their music.

I found Rivers & Robots first of all. Their site is really simple in terms of the layout. It uses muted and neutral tones to give a calming feel to the website, reflecting the acoustic nature of their music. One aspect that I really like about this website is the subtle little details that make the site a bit more aesthetically pleasing. Like the zig zag cut off of the main panel, making it look like it is a piece of fabric. Also the subtle lined shadow on the title lifts it off the background making it look again like an embroidered piece on some fabric. This makes the site seem natural and rustic which is probably the kind of vibe that you would get from the band. 

I also looked at Noah and the Whale's site because they have very similar folky style music to Seasick Steve. Their site was the definition of too simple in my opinion. They had no information on the website what so ever - just links to their social media accounts over an image of the band. However this does show how minimal some bands websites can be, just being purely visually rather than informative. 

The next site that I came across was Regina Spektor's, I really like how she uses multiple textures like the paper and fabric in the background. However I feel like this look with the script typeface and imagery combines to be a bit too much - it feels really crowded. Although I do like this use of the paper and the textures - it relates to my found object concept for the website. 

Additionally I found Red Hot Chilli Pepper's site really interesting because it had lots of interactive elements to it based on the colours of each of the different pages on the navigation bar. (See below for examples)

The layout of the different pages is very ordered, in a 3 by 3 grid this gives it a really clean and contemporary look. Paired with the use of the monotone thumbnail images and contrasting colours it makes the site vibrant and exciting for the user. I feel like this vibrancy really suits the Red Hot Chilli Peppers but with Seasick Steve I wanted to keep the colours fairly natural reflecting wood and paper to show his humble origins. 

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