Tuesday 21 October 2014

OUGD404 - Design Principles - 3D Type

Our task was to create a letterform in a similar way to that of the channel 4 adverts where pieces of objects all come together to form the shape of the channel 4 logo. Once we got into groups we decided on making the letter k and these were the 3 options that we had to choose from:

 In the end we chose Braggadicio as we thought that the geometric shapes would work well with being cut out and positioned together. At first I found it hard to imagine how it would work but once we got started cutting out the shapes it became more clear how it would work.

We measured the dimensions of the letters and scaled the shapes up by 10. I think that this was our first downfall as it meant that the shapes that would be nearer to the front would be a lot bigger than those at the back due to perspective and we should have taken this into account.

This was a picture of our work in progress, you can slightly see the shape coming together.

And this is the final result, as you can see the triangle at the top of the k is way too big and with the kick we stuck together the 2 pieces that we cut out because we were struggling with making it line up.

Overall I struggled with visualising this exercise and if I were to do it again I would choose a different, more default font and spend more time in the planning progress. I was not happy with the results so I would definitely try harder next time.

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