Friday 31 October 2014

Srudio Brief 3 - Final Crit

This was my final presentation of my research. I am really proud of how it came out as it looks organic due to the materials that I printed on. I produced 3 different concertina books - one about edible mushrooms, one about poisonous mushrooms and the other about facts about mushroom foraging. 

The feedback that I received was also good - they said that the way that I presented my research was effective because it was interesting to look at. However, I was told that a visual digital presentation on the board would have been good to accompany my verbal presentation. I agree with this as I only had 3 books to pass around and it would have been good for the audience to have something to look at while I talked.

But I think that I know what I will do for my final delivery of my research as many of the group were really interested with the facts that I gave and were unaware of the seriousness of poisonous mushrooms. So I will produce awareness posters for families (as out of 237 cases of mushroom poisoning in 2013 many were children under the age of 10) to make them aware of what their children might pick up during a walk through the woods.

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