Thursday 9 October 2014

Studio Brief 1 - Alphabet Soup - Initial Ideas

I was given the word 'Progress' to alter my chosen font Futura. At first I found it difficult to think of visual interpretations to the word progress. I was given the definition as follows:
noun               [ mass noun ]
1 forward or onward movement towards a destination: the darkness did not stop my progress | they failed to make any progress up the estuary.
    - [ count noun ] archaic a state journey or official tour, especially by royalty.

2 development towards an improved or more advanced condition: we are making progress towards equal rights.

verb                 [ no obj. ]
1 move forward or onward in space or time: as the century progressed the quality of telescopes improved.
    - [ with obj. ] (usu. as adj.progressed) Astrology calculate the position of (a planet) or of all of the     planets and coordinates of (a chart) according to the technique of progression.
2 develop towards an improved or more advanced condition: work on the pond is progressing.
    - [ with obj. ] cause (a task or undertaking) to make progress: I cannot predict how quickly we can       progress the matter.

in progress in the course of being done or carried out: a meeting was in progress.

ORIGIN late Middle English (as a noun): from Latin progressus 'an advance', from the verb progredi, from pro- 'forward' + gradi 'to walk'. The verb became obsolete in British English use at the end of the 17th century and was readopted from American English in the early 19th century.

What I took from this definition is that the word progress is that it has strong links to time and movement. I really liked the idea to link progress to progressions in technology and advancements that mankind has made; I think this idea would work really well with the geometric and strong modern forms of Futura.

When searching for inspiration I came across Shepard Fairley's famous works for Obama's politicial campaign. I though this fit perfectly as one of Obama's main aims in his presidency was to progress. The font used in this implies power as it is tall and bold, giving the impression that Obama is a figure to look up to. Also the fact that the font is bold suggests that he is strong and supported as the font looks very sturdy like it wouldn't topple over. Additionally the words 'Hope' and 'Progress' are synonymous with each other and can mean the same thing, especially within politics. I thought that I could take stretch Futura so it becomes taller like the font used within the posters. If you look below, the letters 'B' and 'n' are my interpretations of the fonts that Fairley has used.

I also research Audi’s marketing as their slogan roughly translates to “Progress through Technology”. The typeface used in Audi’s marketing is once again a bold and powerful sans serif, here Univers is used. Univers was created to be similar to the early Swiss typefaces such as Akzidenz-Grotesk which was one of the early pioneering sans serifs. The ideals this font represents is very similar to Futura in my opinion as it represents modernist design. Audi’s marketing itself is quite modernist and minimalist like the poster shown above, using a limited colour scheme of red, black, green and white.

Here are just some of my initial ideas:

I already have favourites from my initial ideas! So far I like the idea of the circuits as used in the 'F' and another one of my favourites is the 'W' representing a work in progress. Additionally I particularly like the 'a' using the idea of non-linear progression making a strange shape that I believe would be quite interesting as a display font. I also like the 'O' with the life cycle however I am concerned that it will be unreadable as an entire font, and generally a bit impractical. The ones that work the best are the ones with the subtlest ideas in my opinion - I really like the 'x' as I love Astronomy and star charts so it really represents me.

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