Sunday 26 October 2014

Studio Brief 3 - News on the 25th of October

 These were the three newspapers I bought - The Times, The Guardian and The i. 

Searching through the news papers I looked at the headlines to see which interested me and put a tab next to them. I struggled with this as most of the headlines and articles were either about politics or about ISIS militants or deaths and wars happening in other countries.
I looked through the i first as it is the smallest, most concise of all the newspapers that I bought.

The first article I found was about the drink drive limit being cut in Scotland. I find this quite interesting as I am quite aware of the effect that drink driving could have on other people and I think that it is a very selfish thing to do. I think that I could get a lot of research and statistics about this article. 

This was the next article I came across - volunteering in third world countries can harm rather than help people. I find this fascinating as I was previously unaware of this culture of 'voluntourism' where people would kidnap children and take them to a school just so people can come to volunteer and 'help' them. It is also said in the article even when you do go on genuine volunteer missions, it harms the children as you form a bond between them while you are there but when you leave in a couple of weeks they are left heartbroken and disorientated.

I then moved onto the Times to search for similar articles or even different stories.

I found this article about a dead heart (a heart that wasn't kept beating) given to transplant patients successfully. This is a really uplifting story as it means that more people can benefit from organ donation as usually to have a heart transplant, the donor must still be alive to keep the heart alive for transplanting. 

Also in the Times was an article about a high speed railway that could run from coast to coast in the north, going from Liverpool to Manchester to Leeds to Hull. This would be a great cause to do graphic design work for and even though I probably wouldn't be able to find a lot of research on this proposed scheme. 

Next I looked through the Guardian, in hindsight I did find a lot more articles that I was interested in here than any of the other newspapers.

This was my favourite article in this newspaper purely because I have a vision of what I could produce as an end result. Even though the article is about the extremes of foraging where whole forests have been stripped of all their wild mushrooms (this has obviously had an effect on the wildlife) I would like to create a guide on mushroom foraging. 

I found an article on the heart transplant in the Guardian as well as the i so it is clear that this would be a story that has a lot of interest behind it. 

I also find another drink drive article in the Guardian, so this is another viable option for my final article.

In conclusion after reading all these articles I am stuck between two. I want to either do the drink-drive limit in Scotland or the woodland foragers picking wild mushrooms. These are the two articles that I have a vision of the end results. However I have found lots of research about drink-driving yet not a lot about foraging mushrooms (which I expected). But I do feel more passionate about foraging than drink-driving. I will have to ask my tutor and get his opinion.

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