Saturday 29 November 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 1 - Interim Crit

In my interim critique I showed some of my early experiments of typography as well as some of my more humorous ideas. Most people said they liked the idea as typography would draw people in rather than just an image. It was questioned how I would make it work in Photoshop, but I think it will work well as I can incorporate textures and colours into the type while still having the illustrative hand drawn feel that I was going for.  

I was told that the funny quotes would work well, so I think that I will use a motivational quote, a funny saying and an artistic quote as my set of 3 designs.  Additionally, they liked my bright colours and said that I should think about using a consistent colour palette in my designs. 

Overall, I am happy with the feedback and now I just want to work on getting my final typography done and working with it in Photoshop.

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