Sunday 9 November 2014

Studio Brief 4 - Initial Poster ideas

To start with I had to decide what message I wanted to portray within the posters based on my article. I thought at first I could take it in one of two ways, to promote wild mushroom foraging or to demote it. But then I also thought that I could focus on the  danger of mushroom foraging for people who aren't experienced, or even parents with young children. Also I thought that I could even create a series of infographics that could act as a guide for foragers, however I think that this message is not strong enough to produce a set of 3. 

I have decided that I will create the posters to create awareness for the dangers of wild mushrooms. I started to plot out some designs that I thought might work in rough.

For my type only posters I thought that I could just use some of the facts that I researched and emphasise the key parts. I thought that this would definitely provide a strong tone of voice and would probably appeal to parents. 

For the type and image posters I played around with the idea of adapting some of the letters into images, like in the word 'mushroom' I could change the o's to create a skull. I think the skull idea works well, but the forage one isn't quite as effective. 

This idea could work as image only if I removed the "Don't risk it" slogan. It is supposed to represent how some mushrooms can be edible where as others can be deadly. 

I also played with the idea of trying to create mushrooms out of glyphs and letters inspired by Patrick Svensson's series of movie posters. I found this idea really simple but effective as it is abstract and would force people to look at the poster until they realise what it is. But then this doesn't convey a message really.  

More experimentations of using glyphs and letters to create forms that look like mushrooms. 

My final ideas for both type and image was to use pictures of mushrooms that look similar (like the Blusher mushroom and the Panther Cap mushrooms) and question the audience which one that they think is poisonous to test them on the spot. I also thought that I could just use one mushroom and ask them if it is edible. I like this idea because it would make the viewer think about the content of the poster. 

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