Monday 3 November 2014

Studio Brief 4 - Message and Delivery - Delivery Research


I researched into awareness posters and how they are laid out and I found the Frank posters from 2011 produced by Mother Ad Agency in London. The posters aimed to encourage young people to seek accurate and impartial information about drugs. They did this in a very simplistic style, with a colour palette of a emerald green, black and white. They have used big, bold type as if to force this message onto the viewer and make them read it. Even though the subject of this awareness campaign isn't that similar to my topic I still think that I could take ideas from this design. 

This poster by Studio8 also inspired me quite a lot. I like the idea of taking something and making it into another shape to give it a different meaning. With this they have used a photograph but within my own work I could use an illustration. Additionally I like the way the white space frames the poster, with everything central to the image. I could use this idea either for type and image or just image perhaps.

I found this poster in a book about 2 colour graphic design and it really stood out to me. I love the use of the deer illustration in the background as it makes it look like the text is layed over a wallpaper of sorts. Also, the varied positioning of the text is effective in making the whole piece feel organic and hand made rather than any other digital poster. I think that I will try to replicate a similar effect but with mushrooms rather than deer in my own work. 

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