Monday 24 November 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 1 - Primary Research - Frames in Shops

After looking online at frames I thought the best thing to do next would be to go to some shops to see what are on the shelves. 

First of all I visited TK Maxx, who specialise in lots of different brands so finding lots of examples was very easy. I found that most frames use geometric patterns with the information about the dimensions placed in the middle or at the bottom. However, some used type only like the small circular frame pictured, which I find really effective as its use of type and a hint of colour makes it stand out against its busier counterparts. Also there were others that used photography, which worked well but they were often black and white photographs so the frames just merged into the background and didn't stand out to me at all. 

Next I visted Paperchase, whose frames are very quirky and unique and often the backing papers suit this style. They often use unique designs for most frames relating to its style, like with the hedgehog frame the type is very organic and it even has a cute illustration reflecting the cute outer frame. And for the circular metal frame the type used has an industrial feel, with a technical drawing beneath it, so both of these frames could be targeted at completely different target audiences. 

It's interesting to see a contrast in design such as the one above. Both frames are metal photoframes, yet one represents the outer frame by replicating the colours and the pattern used while the other is very plain with a grey background and just type. I prefer the copper frame just because of the use of the pattern backing paper and colours. Perhaps I could pick out colours or designs that suit the frames that I am trying to sell. 

Finally, I visited Wilkinsons or Wilkos for a complete change of audience and price range. Wilkos are known for being cheap so I wasn't expecting cutting edge design used within their frames. 

Wilkos used the theme of circles within all of their frame backing designs, using simple neutral colours within these two frames. They show all the basic information very clearly and even make suggestions to how the frames could be used.  

The simpler clip on frames had a more colourful approach to their designs but retained the same circular theme throughout. 

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