Sunday 18 January 2015

OUGD405 - End of Module Evaluation

Throughout this short module I think I have had 100% attendance and I have tried to stay in the studio as much as possible. I feel that if I stay in the studio I become more inspired by my peers and also if anyone needs help I can help them or vice versa if I get stuck on something. Though this module seems like we have not had much time, I am really pleased with what I have produced. It has proved to me that anything is possible if you crack on and put your heart into it. And now I can see myself developing my own style of graphic design, one that includes illustrations and hand rendered type. But I would like to try and broaden my horizons a bit more and create more contemporary minimalist designs as it is not something that I have tackled before.

Also without feedback I probably would have gotten no where – I am so grateful for the time people give to give me feedback so I always try and give everyone feedback for their work in return. With the workshops we have had in this module I have learned a couple of new things and I can now say that I can use InDesign quite well considering I had never used it before starting this course.  I feel that I have learnt a lot in this module in terms of thinking about tone of voice and target audiences, especially when creating my frame designs. I feel like I went for the wrong tone of voice and made my designs too elaborate, I would definitely come up with some simpler designs if I could do that brief again.

The workload did feel a bit bigger this module but I think that it was just due to a shortened time period, although I did manage to complete my designs by the Friday before the deadline.

However, if I was given the chance to repeat this module I would probably make a more specific plan rather than planning general things like “initial ideas” and “research”. Then I think I may have got more accomplished within the time that we had.

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