Friday 9 January 2015

OUGD405 - Studio brief 3 - Interim Critique

My interim critique today was very helpful in terms of reaching a final design idea for my page layouts as I received lots and lots of new ideas. I showed my digital interpretations as well as my thumbnail sketches and most people said that the clean, contemporary style that I had chosen didn't really suit my subject. As tea reminds people of home and warmth and comfort so having a stark black and white design connotes the opposite of that. I definitely agreed with this as I was trying to get away from my usual quirky, hand made style and try something different with a fresh, clean design; I just chose the wrong subject matter to do it with!

With my circular frame layout, which I initially didn't like, it was suggested to add swatches of colour on the top and bottom or illustrations or patterns to frame the circular picture in a square of white space. I didn't really like this idea but I will take the feedback on board. It was also suggested that i could buy some loose leaf tea and try to make an interesting pattern to fill the white spaces on my page layouts and make it feel more friendly and less corporate. On the note of friendly, it was suggested that instead of using my photographs I should make some illustrations to add to the homely feel. I think this is definitely needed as illustrations would be charming where as my photos at the moment are a bit naff because I was focusing on recording the process of making tea rather than thinking about the composition. 

Someone suggested looking at Emma Bridgewater mugs for inspiration for both illustration and type choices. 

I love watercolours, and these designs look like they have been done with watercolours so I will definitely try and replicate her style in the illustrations that I am going to make.

 Also he suggested to look at the Fire and Knives magazine as they have lots of hand drawn type and imagery in their quarterly publications. I found some of their type that was done with watercolour I think and I love the feel of it. It exudes happiness and retro vibes that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I also find a front cover which shows kitschy illustrations of a teapot and tea cups. I really like the naive style of it and I might take this through to the illustrations that I end up doing. 

Also it was suggested that I look at coffee and tea shops for more inspiration. Simon suggested that I visited Mrs. Atha's tea shop in the town centre as it has the homely warming feel that I am looking for.

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