Tuesday 6 January 2015

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 3 - Page Layout Research

See the more of the page designs here.

These page designs for the nourished journal are so simple yet so effective. Though they look like they have been modelled around a tight grid system they have an organic feel with the use of pastel yellows and creams. Combining full page images with minimal amounts of body copy. I also really like the use of the lines to separate page numbers in the contents page to frame the pages into different sections. Additionally, the font that has been used comes across as very friendly with its geometric forms and rounded letters. It looks a bit like Futura, but bolder and with shorter cap heights.


The layout of this publication, New Kids is also very appealing. Though it is slightly more abstract than the previous design. What I particularly like about the layouts of this book is the use of cut out boxes within the large images to place titles and text. The images frame the titles and it feels like the text has been cut out and glued onto the images. I especially like the idea of large text placed over full page images, but this may be difficult considering the print method we will be using doesn't allow for full bleed pages. Once again the font is bold and friendly and reminiscent of Futura. It seems like bold sans serifs are popular in contemporary page layouts. 

The one thing about this magazine that stood out to me was the use of acetate as the cover. I really like how they have put all the clutter of the titles and text on the acetate and placed it over a beautiful picture. It gives the effect that you are inside a car looking outside the car window to the road ahead. I might experiment with this idea of a clear front and back page and using a picture underneath. Another thing I really like about these designs is how the body copy is not always aligned to each other and some bits columns are longer or shorter than the next. On other pages they were staggered and placed at opposite ends of the pages which I thought was very effective. 


I find this little square book quite charming, I'm not sure whether it is its size or the circular framed images. I quite like the idea of having a book that is small, maybe even pocket sized like a manual that you would carry everywhere with you. I also like the idea of framing the images with a circle leaving more white space on the page.


This book is reminds me of food packaging or some beauty product packaging where everything is framed with a thick rectangular border and a serif font is used. But I liked the combination of text and image within this publication and the use of different size pages to reveal some new information underneath. Additionally I like how there isn't a lot of body copy meaning it is easily readable and you wouldn't get bored quickly.


This is another grid system that caught my eye. I love the white space used on this double page spread, it draws you in to all the information on the second page. I like the fact that the page isn't cluttered with any colours or images, it is simple and straight to the point for its purpose. I gridded it out on Photoshop to find that it is a quite simple 3 column grid.

With this design I like the seemingly random positioning of text and image on image 4 and 6. I love the idea of overlapping images and text in contrasting colours. The colour scheme itself works really well as blue and orange are complimentary and scaling the colours back to just two colours is really effect in providing high contrast. However it does remove from the legibility slightly.


Finally I loved this design because it was so retro. The colours, imagery and font usage all adds to this style making it look very 1970s. Once again a very simple 3 column grid has been used to structure most of the pages, making use of lots of negative space. And like seen before they have used lines to separate different parts of the text and at the top of the page. 

After looking at these designs I think I will have a limited colour scheme of 2 or 3 colours with a simple 3 column grid layout. However I will try and make it more interesting by using large imagery and large bold fonts. 

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