Wednesday 7 January 2015

OUGD405 - Studio brief 4 - Initial Ideas

At first I struggled with coming up with problems that tea drinkers could possibly face as there are a lot of products out there already like a self stirring mug or a mug that changes colour depending on the heat. But I wanted to do something unique or out of the box and not many of my ideas fit this. My favourite of all the things I came up with where mugs with lids on & cosies to keep tea warm, Tea Syrups (Like a concentrated syrup to use instead of a tea bag) and Hybrid tea bags that would contain 4 different types of tea to create a tasty blend (e.g. cinnamon, english tea, dried orange zest and cloves for a christmassy brew).

I am still not sure what idea to go ahead with so I think I will wait for the interim critique where I can suggest my ideas and see what other people think about them.

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