Saturday 10 January 2015

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 3 - Experimenting with Patterns

First of all I illustrated a mug in photoshop with the brush tool. I wanted to use the brush tool because I didn't want it to look 'perfect' which would have probably been the result if I had drawn it using the pen tool. I like the little quirks of where I couldn't draw a straight line. 

I then tried repeating the mug in different ways. The ones with more mugs on seem to work better because it ends up creating abstract shapes in the empty spaces. 

I tried using some colour to liven up my favourite pattern, starting with a tea colour and then moving on to this bold red. I think the red really works because it makes it pop out from the page.

Next I tried the same but with a more decorative tea cup rather than a mug. Straight away I came up with a design that I liked by alternating the rows by flipping the tea cup. The swirls of the handle fit perfectly with the bottom of the cup creating an abstract union that is really visually appealing.

I am not sure where I will use these patterns yet but I think that the organic feel of them will definitely suit either my booklet or my tea packaging.

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