Thursday 8 January 2015

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 3 - Page Layout Development

Tea - A pocket guide for all you need to know about tea.

This was my first front cover idea, I was planning to print the front cover on either acetate or tracing paper and have an image underneath like on the dwell magazine I found. So I added the text to the corner as to not crowd the image underneath. Perhaps this is too small for people to read considering it is going to be on A5. 

This contents page was also loosely based on one of the designs I researched. As you can see I have chosen a bold, friendly looking sans serif like the one used in the Nourished Journal. I have created a 3 by 6 grid, however I am concerned after looking at all my designs again that this doesn't suit the size of the booklet and it might make the text unreadable when in 3 columns. However considering how I have laid out my information in a random order I don't think a contents page will be necessary as I want the reader to discover the information for themselves while flicking through rather than referring to a contents page. 

I took more inspiration from the Nourished journal from their recipe page. I liked their use of lines to seperate body copy from the titles. I also liked the idea of staggering the title and text like at the top of the page. The only concern about this layout is using the full bleed image and whether that image is relevant - I feel as if my images tell the story of making a cup of tea rather than being a decorative addition to a booklet. 

Once again this particular spread was inspired by my research - from the Salt and Wood magazine. I wanted to use my words as large full bleed spreads and then have facts on the other page as I don't want to have too much text that could be boring.

Next I tried using a different fonts for all my designs by replacing the one font I was using before (Monteserrat) with Bebas Neue for titles and Bodoni Italic for  body copy. I really like the traditional yet hand written look of Bodoni when in italics, I find it really charming and that is the message I am trying to get across. 

I much prefer the use of Bodoni italic for the words as it gives it a more friendly vibe which tea should have as it is often something that people think is warming or comforting. 

New grid layout with 3mm margins, 2 by 6 grid and page numbers.

Words page

Contents page development

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