Saturday 14 February 2015

OUGD404 - Design Principles - Bookbinding Workshop

I really enjoyed the bookbinding workshop and I feel like I learnt a lot. We created a perfect bind, concertina and a saddle stitch book. The saddle stick book was relatively easy to do, it was just about lining up the puncture marks correctly and making the stitches tighter. I found the perfect bind the most challenging because when glueing the spine I struggled to get the glue to go into the pages. Once it had dried some of the pages had come a part from the spine. I don't think that I will use this bind for my book because of the amount of design that may be cut off from the binding. Also I wanted to create something more interesting than just an average book. 

In the end I decided that a concertina book was the best option. I believe that it suits the nature of Dr. Suess' books brilliantly as I could have a continuous illustration running through the book. This means that it could work as a long strip to read from or as a book itself flicking through the pages. Also with the hard cover it makes it more hard wearing for use with children meaning that it won't get battered too easily.

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