Wednesday 4 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 1 - Digital Development

I want all of your mind

After researching Neil Stevens I was very much inspired to improve my typographic piece, taking influence from the anaglyph colour scheme. I started out by trying to create drop shadows from the type and tapering it off to random points. However it didn't end up looking 3D, but it did create some interesting geometry which I really like. It makes the piece look really dynamic. But the font choice here still isn't right. Even though this typeface is quite futuristic because of its unconventional juxtaposition of lines it just isn't bold enough.

So next I tried a big bold typeface but still trying to stick to my futuristic theme. I think that this typeface definitely adds to the dystopian vibe, because it is bold and overpowering. However I don't like the tail on the R as it reminds me slightly of the Star Wars font.

Next I tried a bold, geometric font which I think is exactly what I was looking for. It's not too overpowering but is still easily readable over the bold colours. It also resembles one of the typefaces used on a '1984' poster:

Then like in Stevens design I decided to add some circles to fill a bit of the white space. I used the scribble effect to make some of the circles into zig zag patterns. I think it adds to the energy of the piece making it look like the type is trying to jump off the page. 

I added some more scribbles and circles to fill a bit more space and I thought I should leave it at this stage as I didn't want to overwork it. If I added any more to it I think it would be too crowded and lose the empty space. But I do think that I could try and play around with the anaglyph further by overlapping the different colours to make new shapes and colours. 

Here I used the multiply tool on photoshop to see what they would look like if they overlapped when using more traditional print methods like in screenprints or monoprints. I'm not sure which I prefer now - I like the crisp, clean colours of it without multiply but then again this creates more depth. 


After looking at my robot again I thought the grey I had used made it lack personality. So I decided to sample the teal from St Vincent's video and use it for my robot. I think it definitely works a lot better as it compliments and contrasts the red of the antennae. Also, I changed his mouth to have a sound wave on it instead of teeth as it makes him look as if he is speaking. (Maybe he is saying "Exterminate!") 
I made some more slight adjustments - I decided that I liked the contrast of the red foot cups as the robot is framed at the top and bottom with red making it a more cohesive colour scheme. Additionally, I reduced the size of the button on his head to make his antennae more prominent as they would be the instruments of mass brainwashing.

After going to the critique in the second year's studio they said that I should play with the repeating the robot in a pattern to represent the repetitive nature of television. I started out with a simple tiling effect which sort of looks like they are lined up in formation of an army, ready to attack. 

I tried to mix it up a bit by doing alternated inverted rows. I think this also works really well because the red foot cups of the robots create lines that your eyes are drawn to. Next I think I will try and make a human crowd with robots hidden in it, however I think that this will be time consuming.

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