Thursday 5 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 1 - TV girl development

After the critique I started to play around with the shading on the TV girl to add more depth. I used gradients to try and make her look more 3D and real and also reduced the size of the TV on her head. Additionally, I added more detail to her dress, adding a pocket, a collar and some stitching detail. I think this lilac colour definitely works better than the white dress. 

I tried changing the colour registration lines in the TV to a more disrupted signal design. I'm not sure whether this works better or not - it does provide a bit of a sinister feel to the design as everything else is bright colours where as the TV is dark and menacing. 

Finally I just changed the shading of the dress to a more appropriate gradient. I will wait to edit this until I have my interim critique.

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