Wednesday 4 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 1 - Crit Box

Today I went for a critique on my current digital designs in the second year studio for Crit box/Crap box. They initially said that I had some really nice vectorisation in my imagery. 

When viewing my robot/St Vincent combo someone said that it reminded them of the robot off the film 'Metropolis' and that maybe I could make it more like this style relating back to my ideas of a dystopian digital future.

When I moved onto the TV girl there was mixed reactions - some said they liked the clean on clean vector effect and others said that it needed some shading to make it stand out from the background more. They suggested that I should maybe use a white noise kind of grainy effect for the background like on a television that has no signal. 

Then with my robot design they suggested that instead of having one robot in the middle of the record sleeve, I should have a repeat pattern of it. Maybe even draw a crowd and then scatter some robots in there a bit like a Where's Wally? illustration. 

I was really pleased that they said that my type piece looks practically finished and that I shouldn't alter it anymore as it looks really effective as it is. But I suggested that I wanted to overlay the colours like in the anaglyph format, and they said I could do it in Photoshop or cut out the overlay shapes and do it that way to merge the colours. So I think I will try to do this next. 

Finally I went to my least favourite design and they said that it really didn't work in vector and I agree with them, it just looks strange. Someone suggested that I illustrate it in the style of Dave McKean who did Neil Gaiman's illustrations. Having looked at his work I think that this style really lends itself to a dystopian style mood so I will definitely have a go. 

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