Monday 16 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 2 - Study Task 2 - Cover Analysis

After researching all about the content and the publishers of our chosen book we had to look at the cover and analyse whether it is a successful cover for the content of the book. 

From looking inside the front cover I found that the cover was based on Typographica issue 7 which was designed by Herbert Spencer as all of the magazine covers were. However they have altered the colour from this cover from a light green to a strong red. Red connotes strength, power and passion so may be this was to make the cover more visually striking. But as someone said in the analysis feedback, it creates a very masculine and dark look to it which may put some people off the book. 

I looked further into the aesthetics of this cover I noticed that the collage of text on the front is all backwards, perhaps this is to suggest that it is a collage of letterpress blocks, which all need to be set backwards before printing. Or maybe this is a playful touch to make the viewer look closer into the words to read what they are meant to say and in the process of this they can get a closer look at the use of typefaces. On this note, the fact that the typefaces are so varied within this cover could be a representation of the variation of styles that is shown within the magazine. Maybe it is showing that Typographica can be anything you want it to be - Modern, futuristic, avant garde or even post-modern. 

Also, I noticed that the title and author of the book have been placed in the top right corner similar to the placement used within the magazines, in a sort of similar typeface. I think that in the magazine Helvetica was used as the typeface but here its a more rigid sans serif which isn't as open and approachable as helvetica due to its low kerning. 

Some of the type on the front cover has been cut into or fragmented suggesting to the viewer that there is more to see than just on the cover, it urges the viewer to look inside the book for more information/inspiration.

Overall I think that this design is successful because it takes the essence of the magazine and puts it into one spread - leading your eye all the way around the wrap around cover to the reviews on the back, making people want to buy it. 

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